

Die Mitglieder der Wissenschaftsplattform Sustainable Finance stellen ihre Forschung in verschiedenen Publikationsformaten zur Verfügung.

Eine zentrale Rolle spielen dabei die projekteigenen Policy Briefs. Hinzu kommen Discussion und Working Paper der Partnerinstitutionen sowie ausgewählte Beiträge in externen Publikationen.

Alle Publikationen im Überblick

  • Policy Brief

    PB 4/2022: Key observations about the open EU consultation on the functioning of the EU ESG ratings market

    The European Commission has launched a consultation on the functioning of the ESG ratings market in the European Union and on the consideration of ESG…

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  • Policy Brief

    PB 3/2022: Raising transparency through TCFD-aligned climate reporting

    The availability of consistent and comparable climate-related information is a decisive factor in considering the effects of climate change for business and investment decisions. The…

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  • Policy Brief

    PB 2/2022: Lückenlose Transparenz: Wie die deutsche G7-Präsidentschaft Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung voranbringen kann

    Deutsche G7-Präsidentschaft bietet die Chance, ein zentrales Element nachhaltiger Finanzpolitik auf internationaler Ebene weiterzuentwickeln: die verpflichtende Offenlegung von Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken und -auswirkungen. Ohne verbindliche Offenlegungsvorschriften kann…

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  • Policy Brief

    PB 1/2022: EU-Taxonomie – Welches Potential bietet sie Vermögensverwaltern?

    Die EU-Taxonomie erlaubt Vermögensverwaltern eine objektive und dadurch glaubwürdigere Gestaltung und Positionierung transformativer Finanzprodukte. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht sie die Quantifizierung transitori­scher Risiken für Finanzprodukte. Eine…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Organization & Environment: Under Pressure? The Link Between Mandatory Climate Reporting and Firms’ Carbon Performance

    We examine whether and how mandatory climate reporting leads to changes in firms’ carbon emissions. Drawing on legitimacy theory and using a difference-in-differences design, we…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    iScience: Carbon Contracts-for-Difference: how to de-risk innovative investments for a low-carbon industry

    The shift to climate neutrality requires new process technologies for energy-intensive industries, such as steel, chemicals, or cement. A variety of technology options exist –…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    European Journal of Operational Research: Non-Contour Efficient Fronts for Identifying Most Preferred Portfolios in Sustainability Investing

    The paper focuses on investors whose strength of interest in sustainability issues (such as environmental, social, and governance) causes ESG to become a third criterion…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Climate Policy: Financing the transformation: a proposal for a credit scheme to finance the Paris Agreement

    To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, massive investments in the real economy are needed. We propose providing long-term interest subsidized loans to companies…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Finance Research Letters: Disaggregating confusion? The EU Taxonomy and its relation to ESG rating

    This paper discusses the EU Taxonomy in the context of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings. ESG firm-level ratings tend to differ across ESG data…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Corporate Finance: New evidence on German retail investors: The desire to make an impact

    To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, massive investments in the real economy are needed. We propose providing long-term interest subsidized loans to companies…

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