

Die Mitglieder der Wissenschaftsplattform Sustainable Finance stellen ihre Forschung in verschiedenen Publikationsformaten zur Verfügung.

Eine zentrale Rolle spielen dabei die projekteigenen Policy Briefs. Hinzu kommen Discussion und Working Paper der Partnerinstitutionen sowie ausgewählte Beiträge in externen Publikationen.

Alle Publikationen im Überblick

  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Banking & Finance: The effects of mutual fund decarbonization on stock prices and carbon emissions

    This study seeks to determine whether mutual fund decarbonization affects the stock prices of divested firms and contributes to the reduction of these firms’ carbon…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Portfolio Management: Get green or die trying? Carbon risk integration into portfolio management

    Portfolio management is confronting climate change more strongly and rapidly than expected. Risks arising from the transition from a brown, carbon-based to a green, low-carbon…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    The Accounting Review: Spillover effects of tax avoidance on peers‘ firm value

    This research examines spillover effects of tax avoidance on peers‘ firm value using the setting of the European Commission’s state aid investigations of private letter…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    SN Business & Economics: Impact investments: a call for (re)orientation

    Practitioners and academics have been using different terms to describe investments in the sustainability context. The latest inflationary term is impact investments—investments that focus on…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Corporate Finance: Regulatory framework for sustainable investment products – Current developments and associated challenges

    With the Sustainable Finance legislative package published by the European Commission on April 21, 2021, another valuable step has been taken towards sustainable financial development.…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Climate Policy: Acceptance of climate-oriented policy measures under the COVID-19 crisis: an empirical analysis for Germany

    Based on data from a representative survey among citizens in Germany during the first peak of the COVID-19 crisis, this paper empirically examines the acceptance…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance: Revisiting the determinants of individual sustainable investment—The case of Japan

    This study empirically examines individual sustainable investment behavior of households’ decision-makers in Japan from three perspectives. Based on data from a representative online survey among…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Public Economics: More birds than stones: A framework for second-best energy and climate policy adjustments

    A well-known principle in public economics states that at least as many policy instruments as market failures are required to achieve an efficient outcome. In…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Energy Research & Social Science: Who wants to get involved? Determining citizen willingness to participate in German renewable energy cooperatives

    This paper analyzes the potential for citizen participation in renewable energy cooperatives and the energy transition process in Germany. We consider representative survey data for…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Nature Energy: The cost of debt of renewable and non-renewable energy firms

    The risks imminent to younger technologies and markets may hinder renewable energy firms’ access to financing. This could curtail the investment needed for the transformation…

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