Die Mitglieder der Wissenschaftsplattform Sustainable Finance stellen ihre Forschung in verschiedenen Publikationsformaten zur Verfügung.
Eine zentrale Rolle spielen dabei die projekteigenen Policy Briefs. Hinzu kommen Discussion und Working Paper der Partnerinstitutionen sowie ausgewählte Beiträge in externen Publikationen.
Alle Publikationen im Überblick
Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment: The EU sustainable finance taxonomy and its contribution to climate neutrality
The EU Taxonomy is the first standardised and comprehensive classification system for sustainable economic activities. It covers activities responsible for up to 80% of EU…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
The Energy Journal: Financing Power: Impacts of Energy Policies in Changing Regulatory Environments
Power systems with increasing shares of wind and solar power generation have higher capital costs and lower operational costs than power systems based on fossil…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Intereconomics: The European Green Deal — More Than Climate Neutrality
The European Green Deal aims at climate neutrality for Europe by 2050, implying a significant acceleration of emission reductions. To gain the necessary support, it…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Climate Policy: A green COVID-19 recovery of the EU basic materials sector: identifying potentials, barriers and policy solutions
This paper explores climate-friendly projects that could be part of the COVID-19 recovery while jump-starting the transition of the European basic materials industry. Findings from…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Journal of Banking & Finance: The effects of mutual fund decarbonization on stock prices and carbon emissions
This study seeks to determine whether mutual fund decarbonization affects the stock prices of divested firms and contributes to the reduction of these firms’ carbon…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Journal of Portfolio Management: Get green or die trying? Carbon risk integration into portfolio management
Portfolio management is confronting climate change more strongly and rapidly than expected. Risks arising from the transition from a brown, carbon-based to a green, low-carbon…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
The Accounting Review: Spillover effects of tax avoidance on peers‘ firm value
This research examines spillover effects of tax avoidance on peers‘ firm value using the setting of the European Commission’s state aid investigations of private letter…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
SN Business & Economics: Impact investments: a call for (re)orientation
Practitioners and academics have been using different terms to describe investments in the sustainability context. The latest inflationary term is impact investments—investments that focus on…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Corporate Finance: Regulatory framework for sustainable investment products – Current developments and associated challenges
With the Sustainable Finance legislative package published by the European Commission on April 21, 2021, another valuable step has been taken towards sustainable financial development.…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Climate Policy: Acceptance of climate-oriented policy measures under the COVID-19 crisis: an empirical analysis for Germany
Based on data from a representative survey among citizens in Germany during the first peak of the COVID-19 crisis, this paper empirically examines the acceptance…
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