

Die Mitglieder der Wissenschaftsplattform Sustainable Finance stellen ihre Forschung in verschiedenen Publikationsformaten zur Verfügung.

Eine zentrale Rolle spielen dabei die projekteigenen Policy Briefs. Hinzu kommen Discussion und Working Paper der Partnerinstitutionen sowie ausgewählte Beiträge in externen Publikationen.

Alle Publikationen im Überblick

  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Asset Management: Herds on green meadows: the decarbonization of institutional portfolios.

    We analyze an emerging sustainable trend in asset management: the decarbonization of institutional portfolios. By using broad institutional ownership data, we show that investors exhibit…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Asset Management: The effect of environmental sustainability on credit risk

    The European Commission has proposed establishing a framework that redirects capital to sustainable investments in order to foster sustainable economic growth. A key proposal from…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Business Strategy and the Environment: Integrated reporting of environmental, social, and governance and financial data: Does the market value integrated reports?

    The concept of reporting nonfinancial information within the annual report, so-called Integrated Reporting (IR) is a rising topic in reporting practice. Supporters claim that IR…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Schmalenbachs Business Review: Investment Barriers and Labeling Schemes for Socially Responsible Investments

    Given the increasing role of socially responsible investing (SRI), but still limited participation of individual (i.e. small, retail) investors, the objective of this study is…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Credit and Capital Markets: Drivers of Socially Responsible Investments Across Europe

    The European Union wants to foster the sustainable growth of the economy by using the financial markets as an intermediary. Thus, politicians need to know…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Risk: The impact of corporate social and environmental performance on credit rating prediction: North America versus Europe

    We quantify the extent to which the quality of credit rating predictions improves by integrating measures of corporate social performance (CSP) in an established credit…

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  • Policy Brief

    PB 2/2019: Verpflichtende klimabezogene Berichterstattung als Mittel zur Reduzierung von CO2 Emissionen

    Der zweite Policy Brief „Verpflichtende klimabezogene Berichterstattung als Mittel zur Reduzierung von CO2 Emissionen“ zeigt, dass eine verpflichtende Berichterstattung Anreize für Unternehmen schaffen kann, um…

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  • Policy Brief

    PB 1/2019: Bedingungen für eine wirksame Sustainable Finance Taxonomie

    Der Policy Brief „Bedingungen für eine wirksame Sustainable Finance Taxonomie“ diskutiert die Stärken und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten des aktuellen Regulierungsvorschlags und des Berichtes der TEG und diskutiert…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment: On the heterogeneity of sustainable and responsible investors

    We demonstrate that German retail investors have very heterogeneous requirements pertaining to ‘sustainable investments’ as a group, based on a representative survey (n = 1014). According to…

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  • Wissenschaftliche Publikation

    Journal of Business Ethics: Individual and regional Christian religion and the consideration of sustainable criteria in consumption and investment decisions: An exploratory econometric analysis

    The concept of sustainable and responsible (SR) investments expresses that every investment should be based on the SR investor’s code of ethics. To a large…

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