Dr. Gunnar Gutsche
Gunnar Gutsche ist derzeit Vertretungsprofessor im Fachgebiet Statistik und Quantitative Methoden der Empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität Paderborn. Seine Forschung befasst sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Themas Sustainable Finance, wobei ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf dem nachhaltigen Investitionsverhalten von Kleinanlegern und Haushalten liegt. Dabei beschäftigt er sich auch mit der Beteiligung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern am Übergangsprozess zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft.
- Nachhaltige Finanzprodukte
- Grüne Anleihen
- Nachhaltigkeits-Label
- Impact Investing
- Divestment
- Investitionsanreize
- International Climate Finance
- ESG-Berichterstattung
- Nachhaltigkeitsinformationen
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Berichtspflicht
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Policy Brief
PB 6/2024: Why Do Investors Pay Higher Fees for Sustainable Investments? The role of financial literacy
The growing supply of sustainable investments, along with increased media attention and EU regulations (like the MiFID II amendments of 20211 and the introduction of…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Climate Policy: Acceptance of climate-oriented policy measures under the COVID-19 crisis: an empirical analysis for Germany
Based on data from a representative survey among citizens in Germany during the first peak of the COVID-19 crisis, this paper empirically examines the acceptance…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance: Revisiting the determinants of individual sustainable investment—The case of Japan
This study empirically examines individual sustainable investment behavior of households’ decision-makers in Japan from three perspectives. Based on data from a representative online survey among…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Energy Research & Social Science: Who wants to get involved? Determining citizen willingness to participate in German renewable energy cooperatives
This paper analyzes the potential for citizen participation in renewable energy cooperatives and the energy transition process in Germany. We consider representative survey data for…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Schmalenbachs Business Review: Investment Barriers and Labeling Schemes for Socially Responsible Investments
Given the increasing role of socially responsible investing (SRI), but still limited participation of individual (i.e. small, retail) investors, the objective of this study is…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Journal of Business Ethics: Individual and regional Christian religion and the consideration of sustainable criteria in consumption and investment decisions: An exploratory econometric analysis
This study aims to shed light on the relationship between individual and regional Christian religion (and religiosity) and individual sustainable behaviors in an exploratory manner,…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Journal of Banking & Finance: Which private investors are willing to pay for sustainable investments? Empirical evidence from stated choice experiments
Based on data from a representative survey among German private financial decision makers that comprised two stated choice experiments for fixed-interest investment products and equity…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Oxford Economic Papers: On the relevance of contextual factors for socially responsible investments: an econometric analysis
On the basis of unique data from an (online) representative web-based survey among financial decision-makers in Germany, this paper empirically examines the relevance of contextual…
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Wissenschaftliche Publikation
Corporate Finance: Characterizing German (Sustainable) Investors
This paper highlights the results of four empirical studies, based on the same representative survey among German retail investors. We analyze the differences between sustainable,…
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