Vorausschauende Berichterstattung und Transitionspläne

Achieving net zero: Company transition plans as a tool for forward looking strategy development and reporting?

Datum: 24. Mai 2023 Ort: DIW Berlin und virtuell via Webex Art: Berlin Seminar on Energy, Climate Policy and Sustainable Finance

Berlin Seminar on Energy, Climate Policy and Sustainable Finance

As an essential element of forward-looking reporting, company transition plans can play an important role in achieving net zero goals. Existing net zero pledges and plans by companies stongly differ in composition and depth and often lack forward-looking pathways to achieve the goal, which makes it hard for stakeholders from the financial sector to systematically assess and consider them in their decision-making. Together with experts from science, politics and business, we will discuss how companies can develop credible transitions plans and what kind of regulatory framework is needed to make them an effective instrument for forward-looking strategy development and reporting on the way to net zero.

When? Wednesday, 24 May 2023 | 12:30-14:00 (light lunch starting at 12:00)

Where? Elinor Ostrom Hall (1st floor), DIW Berlin und virtually via Webex


Kate Ryan, Senior Policy Advisor, E3G/UK Transition Plan Taskforce
Ulf Moslener, Professor of Sustainable Energy Finance, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management/Sustainable Finance Research Platform
Lavinia Bauerochse, Head of ESG Corporate Bank, Deutsche Bank AG
Christoph Reißfelder, Global Lead Energy & Climate Policies, Covestro Deutschland AG
Esther Wandel,  Head of Division VII B 2 Investment funds; sustainable finance,  German Federal Ministry of Finance

Moderation: Karsten Neuhoff, DIW Berlin/Sustainable Finance Research Platform


