The members of the Sustainable Finance Research Platform publish their research in various formats.
The Platform’s Policy Briefs play a central role. In addition, there are discussion and working papers from the partner institutes as well as selected external publications.
All publications
Scientific publication
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment: Patience pays off – corporate social responsibility and long-term stock returns
This paper presents new evidence on the implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on stock returns. By implementing a long-term focus as well as using…
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Scientific publication
Nature Climate Change: A climate stress-test of the financial system
The urgency of estimating the impact of climate risks on the financial system is increasingly recognized among scholars and practitioners. By adopting a network approach…
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Scientific publication
Sustainability: The Role of Sustainable Investment in Climate Policy
Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals requires a fundamental socio-economic transformation accompanied by substantial investment in low-carbon infrastructure. Such a sustainability transition represents a non-marginal change,…
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Scientific publication
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy: Climate Policy with the Chequebook – An Economic Analysis of Climate Investment Support
Across the globe, climate policy is increasingly using investment support instruments, such as grants, concessional loans, and guarantees – whereas carbon prices are losing importance.…
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Scientific publication
Economic Journal: Taxing Externalities Under Financing Constraints
We consider a production economy with externalities, which can be reduced by additional firm-level expenditures. This requires firms to raise additional outside financing, leading to…
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Scientific publication
Corporate Finance: Sustainable and conventional mutual funds: Do they really differ?
This study empirically analyzes the claim that sustainable funds are masked conventional funds for a small part of the German equity fund market. Additionally, we…
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Scientific publication
Corporate Ownership and Control: The Effects of Ownership Concentration on Sustainability: A Case of Listed Firms from USA, UK and Germany
Concentrated ownership has been speculated to play a direct role in leading firms to focus more on long-term sustainability. Concentrated ownership, however, can take many…
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Scientific publication
Corporate Finance: Characterizing German (Sustainable) Investors
This paper highlights the results of four empirical studies, based on the same representative survey among German retail investors. We analyze the differences between sustainable,…
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Scientific publication
BuR – Business Research: Comparing those who do, might and will not invest in sustainable funds – A survey among German retail fund investors
In this paper, we empirically examine whether superior performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) results in lower credit risk, measured by credit ratings and zero-volatility spreads (z-spreads).…
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Scientific publication
Journal of Banking & Finance: Corporate social responsibility and Eurozone corporate bonds: The moderating role of country sustainability
In this paper, we empirically examine whether superior performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) results in lower credit risk, measured by credit ratings and zero-volatility spreads (z-spreads).…
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