Private Shareholder Engagements on Material ESG Issues
WPSF Research Seminar with Dr. Rob Bauer
with Dr. Rob Bauer, Professor of Finance, Chair Institutional Investors, Maastricht University on January 18th, 2:30-3:30 PM (new starting time!)
Private Shareholder Engagements on Material ESG Issues
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lopatta, Universität Hamburg
About the WPSF Research Seminar
In the Sustainable Finance Research Platform Research Seminar internationally recognized sustainable finance experts present and discuss current research results. The seminar series explicitly addresses an international audience and aims on strengthening the cross-border discourse on sustainable finance. In this way, the platform partners want to promote scientific cooperation and contribute to the development of synergy potentials. The seminar series is open to all interested academics and practitioners.
Further information on upcoming events of this series can be found here.