Prof. Karsten Neuhoff, Ph.D.
Karsten Neuhoff is Head of the Climate Policy at DIW Berlin and Professor at the Institute of Economics and Business Law at Technical University Berlin. His research focuses on policy instruments and market design in the power and industry sector as well as in International Cooperation. He is also active in the fields of sustainable finance and International Climate Finance. He is part of the Sustainable Finance Comittee of the German Federal Government and board member at the Sustainable Finance Research Platform and at the research network Climate Strategies.
Policy Brief
PB 2/2024: Enhancing Comparability and Credibility of Transition Plans and Transition Risk Assessment with Standardized Net Zero Scenarios
Transition plans by non-financial and financial corporates can fulfill two central purposes: they can facilitate strategic planning towards net zero 2050 while also helping detect…
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Policy Brief
PB 1/2024: Climate Risks and the Cost of Debt: Why Climate Policy Matters
Climate policy is key to achieving the required CO2 emission reductions for the transition towards a sustainable low-carbon economy. Climate policy causes direct and indirect…
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Policy Brief, Sustainability Risks and Opportunities
PB 3/2023: Climate transition plans: State of play in EU legislation and policy recommendations
Company transition plans (of real economy and financial market actors) have the potential to become a steering instrument for directing capital flows toward climate neutrality…
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Policy Brief, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainability Risks and Opportunities
PB 5/2022: Standardized stress test scenario can improve climate risk reporting
More and more countries, regions, cities, companies, and financial institutions are defining climate neutrality as a strategic goal. So far, however, it is not possible…
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Scientific publication
iScience: Carbon Contracts-for-Difference: how to de-risk innovative investments for a low-carbon industry
The shift to climate neutrality requires new process technologies for energy-intensive industries, such as steel, chemicals, or cement. A variety of technology options exist –…
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Policy Brief, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainability Risks and Opportunities
PB 9/2021: The EU sustainable finance strategy – Implications for the future German Federal Government
The EU’s revised sustainable finance strategy confirms the important role of the financial sector in the sustainability transition of the economy, but does not sufficiently…
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Policy Brief, Sustainability Risks and Opportunities
PB 5/2021: Scenario Analysis as a Tool for Companies, Investors, and Regulators on the Path to Climate Neutrality
The structural transformation necessary for achieving climate neutrality is characterized by many interdependent changes. Shaping the transition to a zero-emissions economy cannot be based on…
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Scientific publication
The Energy Journal: Financing Power: Impacts of Energy Policies in Changing Regulatory Environments
Power systems with increasing shares of wind and solar power generation have higher capital costs and lower operational costs than power systems based on fossil…
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Scientific publication
Climate Policy: A green COVID-19 recovery of the EU basic materials sector: identifying potentials, barriers and policy solutions
This paper explores climate-friendly projects that could be part of the COVID-19 recovery while jump-starting the transition of the European basic materials industry. Findings from…
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Scientific publication
Journal of Cleaner Production: A review of technology and policy deep decarbonization pathway options for making energy-intensive industry production consistent with the Paris Agreement
The production of commodities by energy-intensive industry is responsible for 1/3 of annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The climate goal of the Paris Agreement,…
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